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Wersja polska

Mariola Walendziak

psychologist, trainer, coach, consultant

Mariola has been working with people for 20 years. She combines therapeutic and training expertise, working with various professional groups, including salespeople, manufacturing workers, bankers, media people, physicians, students, teachers and others. She has conducted over 200 training programmes, including many of her own design. For several years she worked for a large financial corporation, learning “from the inside” how people operate in large complex organisations. She has launched many diagnostic activities and built training programmes tailored to the needs of individual employees. In the past few years she has worked mainly with management, drafting programmes on employee management, development and assessment. Together with the team she designs tailored training programmes, conducts consulting sessions and workshops, and coaches. She knows how to express in simple terms difficult and complex issues. For that reason she is frequently invited to take part in television shows as an expert.

Privately, she travels a lot and loves to encounter new cultures. She enjoys learning new things – she has recently 'discovered' tennis and the Spanish language.
